Monday, June 30, 2008

"The Bird's Nest"

I have been priviledged over the last several weeks to watch a bird's nest outside my front door. We have inpatiently waited on these little eggs to hatch, and they finally did. So, we have thoroughly enjoyed watching them each day as we come and go; however, sadden by the fact that one day soon they will fly the nest., as I was "checking in on them" I noticed two were missing. As I looked around, I noticed the "missing" two at my neighbors, purched on a ledge as if asking, "What now?"

As I thought about these babies, I realized the parallel to my walk with Christ. I attended "She Speaks" conference a couple of weeks ago, and too, felt like asking, "What next?" as I came home from the conference.

You see over the years, God has kept me safe in the nest, but this conference took me to the "ledge" and I feel Him saying, "Get ready to fly, the world is yours for the taking, I have prepared you, now go!" Although I am so afraid of what is around the corner, I must trust, as the birds of air do. If He takes care of their needs, how much more will He tend to mine? I sometimes long to stay in the nest, but look at what I would miss.....

Isn't if funny how God can use such simple things in our daily life to show us so much about our faith? What has He shown you lately? Would love to hear.